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What Babson Offers To Future Entrepreneurs

Babson College is a well reputed private business school. Offering only one Bachelor’s degree, the college instead encourages students to focus on action, experimentation and creativity. They support entrepreneurship through a key pillar in their community – the E-tower. Here’s more about it

What is Babson’s E-tower?

At Babson College, innovation and ambition are highly valued and rewarded. Since 2001, they have created an “entrepreneurial powerhouse”, offering a social space for young, like-minded entrepreneurs at their college. Almost 20 years old, Babson’s e-tower was founded by the 2003 alumnus Andrew Foley with the aim of having a living incubator for the campus.

Babson’s E-Tower (Image retrieved from

What does it offer to students?

Each E-tower resident is an active member of its student-run community. The community organizes multiple weekly events as well as individual in-house social events. They are also well known for their annual ‘Young Entrepreneurs Conference’, hosted in September every year. Furthermore, the community is supported by a range of software services from Amazon, Airtable and Gust, and also have access to accelerators and networking platforms.

Babson E-tower’s Instagram Account

Success Stories?

The E-Tower currently hosts over 20 residents and 16 companies. Nurtured under a Board of Advisors (the majority of whom are E-tower alumni), these companies provide diverse products and services, ranging from high-street fashion-wear to some exciting online communication and learning platforms!

Interested in the power of student entrepreneurship? Here’s a college student who started a successful venture from his dorm room.

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AsianBlurb Staff
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The editorial team for AsianBlurb.

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