Young adults born in or after 2001 are called “Gen Z.” These individuals spend more time on social media than any other generation. In fact, about two-thirds of this generation check social media accounts daily.
Therefore, brands must create content that is actually interesting and unique. They have the attention span of a goldfish; if something doesn’t catch their eye instantly, they will be off on the next thing within 5 seconds.
Additionally, creating interactive content for this group is ideal because it allows them to engage with it so that other generations cannot.
Gen Z uses social media so often because they feel like it’s an escape from reality. When they are on social media sites, many Gen Z’ers post pictures and videos of situations that others would only perceive as negative or boring but they consider “fun.” Often in their lives, they have had to find a way to make the best of less-than-ideal situations.
Basically, Gen Z is a generation that expects instant gratification, and it does not like to wait for anything. If you want to reach them, you must be prepared to provide it immediately.
Gen Z likes social media because:
1) They have grown up with social media sites, and these are the only outlets they know how to use. Recently, apps such as Snapchat grew in popularity because they can share private information without having their parents or other adults watching over them––and possibly tattling on them.
2) The majority of Gen Z’ers find news from social media rather than television or newspapers. Much of this comes down to convenience; many sites report stories immediately after they happen. Additionally, these new digital newspapers are very interactive and easy to use for young adults who are unfamiliar with reading long, complicated articles.
3) Many find social media more relaxing than watching television. They can watch TV anytime but only have access to their smartphones when they get online; therefore, it is a treat or something special.
4) With social media, they can keep in touch with friends and family members worldwide. There are about 4 billion active Facebook users––Gen Z being a part of this large group.
5) They can create fun content that goes viral. Gen Z’ers know they can find support from their peers if they share funny, interesting pictures and videos online.
6) These sites allow them to connect with new friends who may be going through similar situations or have common interests. Many times a picture or video posted on social media will receive thousands of views in only minutes!
7) Because many do not know how to use computers, smartphones have become the “portal” into the digital world. Social media allows them to connect with others and share information without any barriers easily––and all of this is done from the comfort of their own homes.
Gen Z’ers like about social media because there are fewer judgemental eyes on them; no one will see how they actually look and judge them for it. With this generation, appearance is everything––they want to be seen as “perfect” in every aspect of their lives. Being judged by others can make a person feel inadequate, so why not present the most positive version of themselves online?
Gen Z’ers also like being able to interact with companies through social media accounts or hashtags.
Having this level of contact with the people behind brands allows Gen Z’ers to voice their opinions and preferences––and possibly get something out of it when these are considered.
Keeping up with current trends is very important to this group, so when a company that they like offers a discount or promotion, they will make sure to participate.
Gen Z’ers use social media sites because it is easy and fun––though the latter may not be for everyone.
They are very busy and want to accomplish as much in one day as possible; therefore, you must do so quickly and efficiently if you’re going to reach them with your brand or business.
Arguably one of the most important elements to Gen Z’ers is that pictures must be “liked or commented” on within a few minutes of posting. If they do not receive enough likes or comments, the pictures will be deleted, and/or Gen Z’ers will become upset.
Therefore, brands need to make sure their content has the ability to be shared across multiple social media sites to reach this generation appropriately.
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Maham Qasim is an English Literature and Economics student at Forman Christian College University with an interest in writing. Maham was born in Pakistan and raised in Saudi Arabia and is now pursuing her education.