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10 Movies That Every Entrepreneur Needs to Watch

Feeling uninspired? Slow Sales? Small Returns? We think you deserve a break after your hard work! There’s a lot of good things about watching movies, it helps you relax and get your mind off things for a while. It helps you engage your creativity, helping you think of the next big thing in your industry. The bottom line is, everyone should enjoy a movie or two once in a while. While there’s a pandemic out there, you might as well watch these 10 essential movies for entrepreneurs. 

Top 10 Movies For Entrepreneurs (in no specific order):

  1. FYRE: The Greatest Party that Never Happened (Netflix)

Considered by some as one of the biggest disasters in the music industry and one of the biggest scams in recent memory. FYRE: The Greatest Party that Never Happened is a Netflix documentary film that narrates the story of the Fyre Festival, months after it ended (more like never happened at all). As we all remember, Fyre Festival was supposed to be the granddaddy of all music festivals featuring luxury villas and gourmet food on top of great music in Great Exuma, an island in the Bahamas. 

  1. The Social Network

Ah, of course. No one should make a list of top movies for entrepreneurs without indicating “The Social Network” in one of the picks. This movie tackles the humble beginnings of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and how he overcame hardships while the world’s most popular website was just a small startup and that world domination was just an afterthought. 

  1. The Pursuit of Happyness

This 2006 Will Smith Film will surely melt your hearts. It is a story about Chris Gardner and the struggles he had to face being a homeless salesman. It teaches its viewers the value of perseverance and hard work in achieving one’s goals. Truly a perfect fit for a young and budding entrepreneur.

  1. The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street narrates the life of Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker turned criminal. It tackles how one successful stockbroker climbing up the ranks has turned to a life of crime attracting the attention of the feds. Watch this to learn about what not to do while at the pinnacle of your venture.

  1. The Founder

The Founder details the rise of McDonald’s from a small hamburger stand into the fast food chain behemoth that it is now. It tackles the adventures of Ray Kroc, a businessman who once worked for McDonald’s as a franchising agent. Watch this to learn how ruthlessness, perseverance, and vision built the global giant. 


What was once a promising business in the dawn of the internet turned into one of the most disappointing ventures of all time. retells the story of, a website built for citizens to access community information and pay fees, or even apply for jobs. However, things were cut short and the excitement over a great business plan proved to be worthless compared to a company with an unhealthy organizational culture, power struggles in the company, and management issues. This is a story of how a company lost it all (Including a $60 Million startup capital) in a span of a few years. 

  1. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

What do you think will happen when a lucrative business starts to cheat its investors by hiding billions of debt and failing projects using loopholes in state laws? Just ask the guys at Enron. Historically, Enron is considered as the biggest reorganization in the history of the US, with some claiming it to be the biggest audit failure. 

  1. Catch Me if You Can

Fine, it’s another movie with Leonardo DiCaprio, but who wouldn’t watch this film? It’s a true story of a charming conman and his climb to success. This is a popular film for a reason. It retells the story of creatively solving problems, turning the tides of the situation, and the plain old definition of the daily grind. 

  1. Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader is a film about Nick Leeson (Ewan McGregor), a successful trader who was sent to Singapore as a General Manager of the trading floor. Tensions soon flare up when authorities began noticing the huge amounts losses the Barings Bank is suffering from, began surfacing. 

  1. The Usual Suspects

To cap off our list, let me just insert the cult-classic, The Usual Suspects. This psychological thriller retells the story of criminals who shared the floor in a lineup inside a police station and how they teamed up to pull an extremely lucrative heist. This one should teach you the importance of teamwork, power, and the importance of long-term thinking. 

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