The pandemic has brought out a full-on “survival of the fittest” among businesses. The loss of revenue has forced a lot of businesses to shut down. Although for some, the pandemic is a bridge that would aid them to a healthier business should the virus die down. Here are five industries that are predicted to thrive after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Of course, we had to include this as our first entry. Scientists are scrambling to make a vaccine for the virus. People are growing more conscious of their health options and healthcare providers are bolstering their facilities for what the future may bring.
Although the global healthcare situation is in a relatively unfavorable state as of the moment, the healthcare industry is poised to thrive after this pandemic. More entities and governments will aim to secure the future of their constituents by way of healthcare investment.
Collaborative Platforms
Some may disagree when we say that remote-workplaces may be commonplace in the near future. We understand. However, hear us out first. The pandemic has forced almost all businesses to shift to a remote workplace. Some may suggest that it could die down as soon as employees are allowed to go back to work.
However, do note that some businesses are using this time as a way to test out their Work From Home transition plans. Collaborative platforms such as Zoom and Slack have seen an increase in their share prices as soon as the pandemic broke out. Businesses are slowly considering the possibility of shifting to remote workplaces. Besides, work from home is beneficial to both employers and employees.
Online Gaming
Imagine 10 years ago when people cannot take online gaming seriously. Some even went on to say that there’s no money in video games. Kindly look for those people and tell them the current status of the video game community now. The stay at home orders forced everyone to wait out until the virus had died down. People have found a new way to make use of their time: Video Games.
It is not surprising that the pandemic has turned into a breeding ground for new gamers. Remember the upsurge of Nintendo Switch sales earlier this year? Its competitors Xbox and PS4 are also recording high sales amidst the pandemic. These are telltale signs that the video game industry will grow bigger as the years go by.
Remote Learning
Just because there’s a virus doesn’t mean the education system around the world will stop. A lot of countries have adapted to online learning as a way for students to finish their studies at the comforts of their own home. But, online learning doesn’t only apply to students.
It was also reported by Real Wire that millions of hours were spent on an online learning platform as employees are stuck at home. This allowed them to take online courses to learn new skills and gain an advantage once they report back to their offices.
Strangely, the automobile industry may also be propped up for growth in the following years. This could be attributed to just one reason: When the public perceives that public transportation is unsafe, the demand for private vehicles rises.
For example, during the 2002 SARS outbreak. The sales of automobiles rose during this period. It is also the automobile industry who recovered first after the market crash.
If you wish to know more about businesses, read here about the top industries you need to watch out for this 2020.
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Zakary Kelley is a technology reporter for Business Blurb covering social media and the digital products that are changing our lives.