One of the silver linings of this lockdown was perhaps the rise of young entrepreneurship. Stuck at home, these two Queensland teenagers decided to make the most of it by experimenting with an online venture. Little did they know that it would fetch them a whopping $70,000 within a few weeks!
Who are they?
Lachlan Delchau-Jones, 18, and Taylor Reilly, 19 much like most kids their age were forced to self-isolate at home once the lockdown hit their home town – Melbourne. Much like most kids their age, they started googling activities that could keep them busy. Since Melbournians are allowed to leave home for essentials only, these two sensed a large market for online shopping.
What did they do?
Jones and Reilly came up with the idea of setting up an online business providing craft supplies to bored individuals and families at home. Set up swiftly using the online dropshipping model, their store earned $600 on the first day alone! Within four weeks, the two had successfully secured a revenue of $70,000! Combining social media advertising with the drop-shipping model, they were able to minimise their risks and maximise their profits on their Shopify account.
What’s the future looking like?
Dropshipping not only helped them earn a significant fortune but also taught them several skills. The ambitious teens have been creating their own ventures plan together since their early teens and plan to continue to grow this venture together further. They want to push their products more aggressively within Melbourne and start experimenting with international markets as well.
Interested in online retail models? Here is another entrepreneur who built a seven-figure business model in less than a year.
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