The pandemic proved to be harmful to all businesses. Sales in almost all business types declined as the stay at home orders were enforced. This doesn’t mean that your business should remain stagnant while waiting for developments. Here are five tips in marketing your business amidst the pandemic,
Improve Online Presence
The first thing you should keep in mind when marketing is that you should be visible. As a rule of thumb, if you can’t show people that you exist, they won’t know that you do. By building an online presence, you build relationships with people online. People would prefer online transactions for both their essential and non-essential activities.
Imagine, if you put yourself out there, people will view you as a credible and trustworthy business entity.
Get Creative
By being creative, we mean that you should think out of the box. Step out of your comfort zone and perform a new trick for your customers. By employing a unique way to market your business, you invite people to barge in your virtual/physical storefront and make a purchase.
The question remains, how do you get creative? The sky’s the limit. You may give them the freedom to build their own combination of your products and services. Another great way is to let your customers know about your products and services through a virtual storefront. This immerses your customers long before they make a decision.
Level up your social media game.
As we have said a lot of times already, everyone is using a social media platform of some sort. Leveraging social media in your marketing campaigns amidst the pandemic is a must. Everyone is stuck in their homes, glued on their phones. There’s no better time than now. You may want to join in on conversations or update your customers on your plans.
The general idea here is to be visible on social media so people would likely come across your business.
Build Relationships
This is quite simple on paper but hard to execute. You need to exercise your empathy to pull this off. Start by putting yourself in the shoes of others. Ask yourself: “What would my customers want to hear from us?”. Communicate with them frequently to build a strong and genuine relationship with your customers.
The deeper you connect with them, the better your marketing campaigns work for them.
Reassure Your Customers
The idea here is very simple. Reassure your customers that your business isn’t going anywhere. To be fair, your customers are your #1 followers. Without them, you wouldn’t be getting some sort of success. Feel free to integrate this with some of our previous techniques. You may want to send out email updates regularly or post updates on your social media. All of these would go a long way. Reassuring your customers is a great way to communicate with your customers that you understand the whole situation.
If you want more marketing tips, read here how you could unleash the potential of E-Mail marketing. You may also want to know how marketing could benefit your business here.
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Zakary Kelley is a technology reporter for Business Blurb covering social media and the digital products that are changing our lives.