Some people are born leaders, but others have to learn leadership in order to be successful. In a time where digital marketing is the most important thing for businesses worldwide, you need a leader who can take you further than ever before.
Here is a list of the six most common types of leaders in digital marketing: The Visionary Leader, The Strategist Leader, The Connector Leader, The Influencer Leader, The Change Agent Leader, and the Collaborator/Embracer. Let’s take a look at each type to see how they differ from one another.
1. The Visionary Leader

The Visionary Leader is generally the visionary who has a compelling vision for what the future should be. The Visionary Leader sees possibilities that others often miss or won’t acknowledge. This leader is open to new ideas and unconventional ways of doing things. They are willing to take risks without worrying about what will happen if the current plan doesn’t work out as expected.
People like Steve Jobs are often the Visionary Leaders of organizations. They inspire others to be the best they can be in their roles. This type of leadership, however, is not for everyone. It requires a certain level of vision and dreams, along with a willingness to take chances on ideas that may or may not work out as planned.
2. The Strategist Leader

A Strategy Leader focuses on selecting the best course of action to achieve an objective. They establish the goals and then develop a plan to get there. A Strategy Leader is committed to making sure things are done right and always spell out what needs to be done, how it should be done, and why it’s important. Hence, everyone understands their role in achieving organizational objectives.
People like Jeff Bezos are often the Strategist Leaders of organizations. They expose issues that lead to optimal strategies and do what it takes to ensure that the strategy is achieved. This type of leadership, however, is not for everyone. It requires a strong commitment to making sure work gets done right, and all loose ends are tied up so projects can be finished on time.
3. The Connector Leader

A Connector Leader is great at connecting people, ideas, resources, assets, and partners to function better together than they can apart. A Connector Leader makes things happen through others by combining them with their own strengths and resources.
People like Walt Disney are often the Connector Leaders of organizations.
They can bring different ideas together like pieces of a puzzle so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This type of leadership, however, is not for everyone. It requires an ability to see how something can be done better by combining it with other things or bringing people together to achieve a common goal.
4. The Influencer Leader

An Influential Leader does more than managing the work of those who report to them; an Influential Leader helps build people up, believes in them, encourages them to do their best, and gets excited about the great things they accomplish. People like Oprah Winfrey are often the Influential Leaders of organizations.
We can all learn from their example because the most influential leaders know how to operate at a high level in whatever they do, create an atmosphere where people can be themselves, and contribute in ways that bring out the best in others.
This type of leadership, however, is not for everyone. It requires a certain level of vision and dream, along with the ability to see people’s potential and to reward them for putting their best forward.
5. The Change Agent Leader

A Change Agent solves problems in innovative ways by bringing in new ideas and resources to test out, assess and implement new strategies. A Change Agent helps manage change more effectively by communicating the vision of what needs to happen and helping people understand how the change will benefit them and their organization. People like Elon Musk are often the Change Agent Leaders of organizations.
They see new options for how things can be done and have the drive to bring others along with them on their journey to change the world. This type of leadership, however, is not for everyone. It requires an ability to think outside the box and a willingness to leave old ways behind to achieve a better outcome.
6. The Collaborator/Embracer Leader

A Collaborator/Embracer is interested in building resources, knowledge, and relationships to help team members work together more effectively to accomplish goals. A Collaborator/Embracer builds relationships by sharing information, creating structures for communication and celebration, and helping team members understand their roles in the team. Someone like Mark Zuckerberg is often the Collaborator/Embracer Leader of organizations.
They help bring everyone together, make decisions and manage with transparency, so others stay motivated and engaged. This type of leadership, however, is not for everyone. It requires a willingness to focus on how things can be done better by bringing team members together in new ways or creating an environment where people feel like they are working on a team versus managing as individuals.
Knowing the difference between these leadership styles is important because it allows you to determine which type of leader you are and gives you skills to develop even greater leadership abilities.
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Maham Qasim is an English Literature and Economics student at Forman Christian College University with an interest in writing. Maham was born in Pakistan and raised in Saudi Arabia and is now pursuing her education.