Reaching your career as a Social Media Influencer can be pretty tough. There are millions of people out there who wish to become influencers one day, but the truth is that only a few make it and that too just because they were born with some connections or something like that.
Is being an Influencer all about ‘who you know?
Not really! It’s more about who knows you. If I told you the smartest way to get recognized by the top brands in no time at all, would you listen? Let me share this quote which says “Be known for what people are looking for”. So if you want to reach your career as a Social Media Influencer, then here’s how.
The 10 Best Ways To Reach Your Career As A Social Media Influencer
1) Be Passionate About What You Do: The most important thing about being a Social Media Influencer is your desire to highlight the good things happening in the world.
If you do not have this passion then find someone who does and try to connect with them, they will help you get started and eventually reach your career as an influencer.
2) Keep In Touch With The Brands You Love And Support Them Whenever Possible: It’s very easy for brands to connect with their supporters through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram but surprisingly only a few actually take their time out to reply to anyone.
So whenever you wish that a brand would support something or help out some cause, you should be the first one to reach out. That way you will help shape their brand policies and get yourself recognized by them in no time.
3) Share Your Thoughts: It’s your world out there and people often look up to what you have to say. So share your thoughts on the things that matter to you and if they really matter then other people will also feel the same way about it.
Just take a stand for what you believe in! For example, I recently wrote a post on ’10 People Who Made History Because They Took A Stand On Something ‘. I shared my views on current affairs which had quite an effect on society as well as me.
4) Create Something: Whether it’s your blog or just a simple post on Facebook or Twitter
, it’s important to create something that showcases your talent in front of people.
It also helps you overcome your fears which can bring out your creativity! So start sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world.
5) Share Your Work: Remember the saying a rising tide lifts all ships? Well, it certainly works well in real life too. Just share your work with the world and let other people know about how good you are at what you do.
It will also help them to connect with you for their support and eventually make you reach your career as a Social Media Influencer!
6) Spend Time With Other People Like You: Go out there and try to meet up with people who share your thoughts and love for the same things that you do.
This way you will be able to exchange ideas, support each other in sharing content, etc. Spending time with like-minded people is the best way to make it as an influencer!
7) On Platforms Where You Get Paid For Your Work, Partner With Brands And Post Their Content: If you use YouTube or Pinterest then brands are quite likely to pay you if they wish to endorse their products through your platform. So try to get your hands on some popular brands and partner with them.
If you can’t do that then find other influencers who will also share your work with their followers, that way you will get the brand’s attention and reach your career as a social media influencer.
8) Be Good To People: Remember how good old Dale Carnegie said “You can only be truly successful when others are happy because of your success”. It certainly holds true as people will want to support you once they see this side in you. Just be good to everyone around and eventually someone will help you reach your career as a Social Media Influencer!
9) Share Content: A lot of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc allow their users to embed posts from other sites which is why it’s important to always share content from other sources. Not only will you be helping the people out there but it will also help you reach your career as a social media influencer!
10) Be You: Don’t ever try to be someone else!! Share your thoughts and opinions as yourself and because of that, people around you will notice your uniqueness and want to get in touch with you for their support. And one day they might even wish to make you an influencer!
Being an influencer is not easy, it’s just another platform to reach your dreams. The only thing that is different here is that you are influencing people to make them follow a new way of life or style by sharing your viewpoints and opinions.
Just be yourself and use the methods mentioned above to help others out there in reaching their career as social media influencers!
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Maham Qasim is an English Literature and Economics student at Forman Christian College University with an interest in writing. Maham was born in Pakistan and raised in Saudi Arabia and is now pursuing her education.