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The 10 most important words in marketing

Clearance sale sign in store

Do you believe that language plays an important role in marketing? We certainly do. It has the power to influence others in their decision making. Now, using language isn’t necessarily conning people to buy your products. You are mainly using the correct terms to elicit some type of action on their end. Of course, none of these would work if you do not put work on it. Tests such as A/B testing would surely identify which of your marketing endeavors are working. Here are some of the most important words in marketing, and why they work. 

100% money-back guarantee

This term is effective because it leverages on the people’s choice. You are telling them that they have the option to get their money back if they aren’t satisfied with the product. It essentially creates an image that you are confident about your product and you will refund their money if they aren’t satisfied. 


Everyone wants free stuff. By telling them that the item you are selling is free, it motivates them to perform the action you want. It gives them the idea that there’s no harm in trying since it’s already free. 

Another application of this is when you are marketing an item and a freebie is included in their purchase. It gives them the idea that they are getting more than their money’s worth. 


Using “Proven” in your marketing campaign gives off the idea that your product has been battle-tested. It reinforces the idea that your product has high quality and they would not regret availing it. When paired up with the name of a person that uses your product, it creates the “Social Influence” effect. It is a psychological theory that states that people are influenced by influencers they have a strong feeling of association with. 

Act now

The Act now uses the “Psychological Hack” called Scarcity Principle.  What it does is reinforces the idea that you must have something that is in short supply. The desire your buyers have increases exponentially as they anticipate the regret they might have if they miss the deal. 


When using the word “Save” in your campaigns, you tell your customers that they are getting more than what they are paying for. It persuades them to make a purchase or avail of your services because they’ll be saving a significant amount. 


“Premium” tells people that your product or service is of high quality. It gives them the idea that you spent countless hours perfecting your product.


Just like the terms “Save” and “Free”, bargain forms the idea of “value” in your customers. It reinforces their idea of “getting more than what you paid for”. 


In the digital age, everything has become accessible in a click of a button. Along with it comes people’s patience. By using “Instant”, you assure your customers that they’ll get what they paid for in a jiffy. 


Everyone wants to be in trend.  When you use “New” in your campaign, it creates the illusion that they are at the forefront of a hip new trend or product. 


We’ve already said that people’s patience has seemed to have grown short over time. This applies to this term too. Use “Easy” in your campaigns to give your customers the idea that you wouldn’t waste their time. No one likes a complicated check out process or a complex product that would take much of their precious time. 

Did you learn a thing or two? Make sure you remember these words when launching your marketing campaign. These would drive up your sales exponentially!

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AsianBlurb Staff
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The editorial team for AsianBlurb.

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