Learning is a big part of every successful business. Your business lives and dies with learning. The moment you stop yourself from learning is the time where success will also stop from transpiring. If you really want to build a successful empire, you must be smarter than you are yesterday. These are five tips to promote a culture of learning in your business.
Before we begin. Think of this. If your employees aren’t open to learning more things, they won’t contribute more meaningful things to your business. Learning is paramount to your business’ productivity.
Offer Chances to Learn
Employees get too busy sometimes that they forget to invest in themselves. Part of self-investment is allowing yourself to develop your skills or gain new knowledge. A great first step for this is to have a growth mindset. Individuals who believe that they could improve through others’ input, hard work, and good strategies have this mindset.
To introduce a culture of lifelong learning in your business, your employees must believe that they have opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge.
Give Them A Mentor
This doesn’t mean that you will give them individualized mentors. Become a mentor to your employees. Be a visionary in the workplace and infect them with wisdom. What you can do is set an hour for each of your employees. At this time, you can sit down with them and talk about their career, personal life, and current health. It doesn’t mean that a 1 on 1 meeting should be all work.
You should let your employees know that you are a leader, not a boss.Give them targeted pieces of advice. This lets them know that you pay attention to your employees.
Share Learnings With Others
Sharing is caring. Foster a learning environment in your workplace. This allows your employees to remain curious even during their busy days or weeks. As a leader, you could initiate continuing education for your employees. Set some opportunities for them to further their knowledge, fully-funded by the company. However, there is a catch. They must agree to lead in sharing what they have learned to their peers. This could come in form of a weekly or monthly seminar led by your grantee.
Personalize and Digitize
Let your employees learn lessons that they could practically apply everyday. You should move away from content management and into content “curation”. Give your employees a set of choices of which skills or concepts they could learn first. Then, give them a short survey which asks some basic information such as application of lesson, lessons learned, and possible workflow tasks to be integrated.
We are in the digital age. Therefore, you could take advantage of various media and platforms to allow your employees to learn every day. If you want to read more about entrepreneurial tips, click here.
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Faiz Imran is a teenage (May 17, 2002) entrepreneur and self-made millionaire behind various successful companies such as Fismma.com