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How This Dropshipping Guru Built a 7-Figure Business in Less Than a Year

Kyle Plummer.

Does the word “dropshipping” ring a bell? Over the past few years, people have turned their attention to this supply chain staple. This direct-to-consumer method is the story of Kyle Plummer, and his journey to a seven-figure dropshipping business in less than a year.

In simple terms, dropshipping means you sell the items you display on your eCommerce store without physically touching any of your products. This lessens the operating expenses by eliminating warehouse rent and other possible cash outflows.

How did he start?

Kyle slowly realized he didn’t enjoy the 9-5 life. He did not want to report to anyone. He started his dropshipping business while working this 9-5 job but soon after quit due to its success. According to him, this is his formula for success: 

  1. Build a website (Basic websites do not need expertise)
  2. Add products from wholesale sites and brand them.
  3. Mark up the price. 
  4. Advertise

These four simple but key steps propelled him to be one of the best in the business. But did you know that he started like any other entrepreneur? He was filled with the fear of failure and uncertainty. He lost $10,000 in one night while starting his business, long before he made his first profit. This did not stop him. Fear became the driver that powered him over hurdles. 

In an interview with USA Today, he emphasized the importance of a proper mindset. If he crumbled early, he wouldn’t reach the top. For him, success is a black hole. When you get to that black hole, you get hungrier to move to the next biggest thing. 

Lessons from Kyle

There is one important lesson that we could earn from Kyle’s journey as a dropshipping expert. It is the importance of getting back on track after failing. He told Yahoo Finance:

“The biggest thing is finding your ‘why’. It’s the same situation as going to the gym. Why are you going to the gym? You might be doing it to look good or to stay healthy so you can live a good life. You always have to revert back to why you are doing something when times get tough. In business, it is exactly the same. You will have a lot of problems (some in your control, some not), but if you have that strong ‘why’, you will find a second wind to get through the haze.”

We had the chance to have a quick chat with Kyle. We asked him what drives him to want to succeed, he replied:

“My key driving force is flexibility. Being able to take a trip across the country to see an old-time friend or being able to golf in the middle of the afternoon on a Wednesday, is truly unbeatable.”

What is he up to now?

Kyle currently manages numerous e-commerce sites that generate millions of dollars in sales. He currently operates a YouTube channel to help others achieve success as he did just a few years ago. He believes that if he could scale a business from $0 to a million, anyone can do the same. 

If you wish to get more updates about Kyle and his latest business or entrepreneurial ventures, check him out on Instagram and YouTube.

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The editorial team for AsianBlurb.

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