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How Popeye’s Sandwich Became a National Sensation

Last November Popeye’s Sandwich’s tweeted that they are bringing back their well-loved chicken sandwich to their fried fast-food chain. The product instantly went viral, with some stores fetching up to $12,000 in sales on launch day for this instant hit! Here’s how Popeye’s nailed their sandwich’s product launch.


Successful business ventures are not just about foresight, they’re also about having the perfect timing. Popeye’s not only launched on National Sandwich Day, but also in a very cheeky move, they also launched on the day of their arch-rival Chick-Fil-A’s closure. Their perfect timing made this company have one of it’s most successful quarters in the past 2 decades.

Perfect Product Quality

Popeye’s left no stone unturned while creating the perfect recipe for their prized product. Almost 2 years in development, their chefs in Miami worked hard to ensure that the size, texture, crunch and the taste of their sandwich were better than that of their competitors. They also trained over 24,000 staff members cross-country to ensure consistent service and quality. Through meticulous development, Popeye’s turned an old classic into a viral must-have.

Go Big Or Go Home (On Social media)

After the burger was rolled out, someone decided to sell one on eBay for $7000. A Twitter feud broke out between Chick-Fil-A and Popeye’s; Wendy’s chimed in. CBS covered the product during their morning show. These are just examples of how all press is good press. This organic press combined with their BYOB (Bring Your Own Bread) campaign generated press worth over $65 million in media value. Check out their unorthodox campaign below!

Interested in unique digital marketing campaigns? Here are 5 most genius campaigns ever!

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Katelyn Dethridge
Written By

Katelyn Dethridge is an independent writer and author based in London. She has previously wrote for the Entrepreneurial Inquirer and EWQ News.

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