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Here Are the Top Five Youtubers in 2020

Youtube has evolved a lot during the period where streamers, vloggers, and content creators first popped up. The video-sharing platform has transformed its services to fit the needs and the content individuals aim to produce for their subscribers. Today, we look at the five most popular YouTubers on the planet. 

5. Whindersson Nunes

Whindersson Nunes, popular for being shirtless and pumping out rant videos has hit Brazil and the world like a wildfire. Although you won’t perfectly understand what he’s saying half the time, you might as well hit that subscribe button and watch his series of parody videos of Pop music. 

Subscribers: 39.6M


4. HolaSoyGerman/JuegaGerman

The resident normal guy is here! German Garmendia or known by his two personas is a Chliean who spends most of his time being himself on the internet, with a hint of exaggeration. People took notice when he suddenly popped out of nowhere and began producing videos of him doing the most mundane activities of a human. He basically calls this being himself. His channel HolaSoyGerman has since been inactive but has a following of over 40M and just shy of that number is his second account JuegaGerman, with a gaming theme in mind. 

Subscribers: HolaSoyGerman (40.9M) & JuegaGerman (39.8)

Most popular Upload: Los Hermanos  (121 Million Views)

3. Kids Diana Show 

It came as a surprise that the third most popular youtuber is a kid. A literal kid. Kids Diana Show is a a pretend play channel with the Titular Diana playing pretend with the coolest and latest toys in the market. This is one of the few reasons kids can’t get enough of toy unboxings and pretend play with the toys they want for Christmas. 

Subscribers: 55.3M

Most Popular Upload: Diana and her Barbie Car- Camping Adventure (852 Million Views)

2. Like Nastya

Kids are certainly running YouTube at this point. Nastya is a Russian kid in Florida who makes adventure videos together with her dad. The videos are inspired by nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Expect this channel to stay on top for quite some time. 

Subscribers: 51.1 Million
Most Popular Upload: Nastya and papa Sleeping at Farm Trip (818 Million Views)

1. PewDiePie

Pewdiepie has hit the youtube scene in the mid-2010s by specializing in horror video games. Felix Kjellberg, still stands on top of youtube despite being involved in multiple issues caused by him running his careless mouth. Even if he got stripped off the partnership, Youtube cut one of his series off, and google removed him from the preferred tier ad list. He still made one thing clear: He isn’t going anywhere and he’s going to continue as the reigning king of Youtube.

Subscribers: 105M

Most Popular Upload:  Bitch Lasagna (253 Million Views) 

Did your favorite youtuber make it on the list? Truly, there’s no stopping PewDiePie as of the moment. However, since the digital landscape is ever changing, one might break into the top five list in the near future.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

AsianBlurb Staff
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The editorial team for AsianBlurb.

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