Kickstarter is a goldmine of products that could break a booming industry. By break, we mean massively influence an industry that they effect change in the leading players. Today, we will break down the 5 most funded Kickstarter campaigns of all time.
Pebble E-Paper Watch ($10,266,845)

The Pebble Smartwatch is most notably one of the first few smartwatches to hit the market in 2012. It connects to your phone and would notify you of incoming calls, messages, and notifications. It also serves as your workout buddy by tracking your workouts. The Pebble E-paper watch also features an e-ink based screen, allowing it to have longer-lasting battery life.
Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5 ( $12,393,139)

This board game’s first iteration ranked as the highest funded board game on Kickstarter. Well, until at least before its next version was released, the Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5. This board game tasks its players to craft their own gear, build civilizations, and fighting monsters. If this appeals to you, then you wouldn’t wonder why this project raised $1 million in 19 minutes. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5 is slated to release sometime this 2020.
Pebble 2 & Pebble Time 2 ($12,779,843)

Again, another entry for pebble. With the second iteration of their smartwatch, Pebble has raised the bar and raked in $12.8 million in funding for their new smartwatch. Sadly, this did not materialize because they sold their company to FitBit way before the production started. This forced the company to refund the money to their contributors.
Coolest Cooler ($13,285,226)

Imagine bringing a compact party without bringing clunky and unwieldy equipment. The Coolest Cooler is an awesome solution to all party hosts who want a compact and hassle-free experience. It features a built-in speaker, USB charger, ice crushing blender, ample space to tuck plates away. Oh, and a cooler. Despite some production issues, this cooler could certainly be yours for just $449.
Pebble Time ($20,338,986)

Yet again, another product from Pebble. This makes us wonder where the fascination for Pebble’s products all come from. This product is the 2015 refresh of Pebble’s smartwatches which was originally released in 2012. As mentioned above, Pebble no longer exists after being sold to FitBit. In its short run in the market, this watch has sold over 2 million units worldwide.
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Zakary Kelley is a technology reporter for Business Blurb covering social media and the digital products that are changing our lives.