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Great Business Owners are Good Leaders, Here’s Why:

Woman team leader making presentation for colleagues
Woman team leader making presentation for colleagues

Starting a business is not as complicated as how others put it. Everyone could have that “Spark” to translate an idea into a feasible product. However, the question remains, will that specific business survive years down the line? The answer is: “It depends.” If you believe that you are an effective leader, then that’s half the battle. Here are some characteristics of a great leader that make a great business owner.

Have a “Weatherproof” Skin 

Rejection is not a million-to-one chance for aspiring business moguls. It’s possible that your “Million Dollar” idea will be rejected by skeptics. What you need to do is keep on pushing yourself to do better and find someone who envisions the same things as you. It takes one great idea and another who faithfully believes in it to make things work. 

Don’t let failure get to you. You will fail. The range of failures before success vary from person to person. The key here is if you embrace failure and treat it as a leverage to guide you in your ventures, then you are already one step closer in the right direction.

Never Stop Learning

Do you stop being a student when you finally pass the last course you need for your degree? Do you stop becoming a student when you stop attending school? The answer is no. You need to sharpen your mind through means that are available to you. Read books, attend events, and network with others. The best minds in the industry are those who are not afraid to build networks with people more successful than them. The bottom line is: Never stop adding more to your pool of knowledge. 

Be a Visionary

Before you try and make others believe in your idea, it is best if you believe in it first. When Jeff Bezos started Amazon, people were not so sure of the value of the internet; but Bezos saw the potential. He told everyone around him that the internet would be huge; decades after his declaration, he was right all along. The internet is a big thing and we are yet to uncover its true capabilities. 

Have a clear vision ahead of you. People would follow suit if they could clearly see where you are going with your plans.

Be Fearless

In connection to the first and third points, a great leader is fearless. Exploring uncharted territories in your business could be either a rewarding or punishing venture. It is alright for fear to set in at first, but do not dwell on it. Overcome your fears.

Be passionate 

This is probably one of the most powerful characteristics a leader has. A burning passion to solve a problem or improve an existing business is key. Oprah treats passion as “energy”. What you are doing right now should excite you, it should energize you. Why do you think google started inside a garage? It’s because their passion kept their fire burning. A garage wouldn’t seem to be a dealbreaker for them especially when what they are working on is a multi-billion dollar enterprise.

At the end of the day, admitting you are a great leader and admitting that you have these characteristics is just half the battle. You need to prepare yourself for a grueling uphill battle. Having these characteristics will pay you great dividends in the near future.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

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