Business success is not easy. Anyone who has grabbed the entrepreneurial jackpot and hit it big knows that each mile of the road was a struggle to get where they are right now. It isn’t about being in the right place at the right time. It’s all about having tons of effort, drive, and hard work.
Instilling these values and morals in younger people is important if they have the best chance of success later on in life. That’s because it’s not about where you start or what went before, but about the state of mind that can allow you to succeed.
But there are certain things all young entrepreneurs need to know before even setting out on that road. Here are some of those things.
1. Stay in the game, no matter what

It’s all too easy to get out if you’re feeling a bit rough on the way up. That’s understandable – who wants to be kicked around by people and assume that it’ll stop? And when you do succeed, at least one person will be ready to jump on your back and tell you that it was a fluke.
2. Network like mad
No successful person gets there by themselves, nor does anyone get there as a loner with no strong network of contacts to call upon during lean times or when they need some help. Remember that this is all about who you know rather than what you know… but knowing the right people at the right time makes all the difference in getting out of trouble fast! The more people you know, the better off you are, and the higher up the rungs of the success ladder you can climb.
3. Be nice to everyone
It might not sound like much, but being nice always gets you further than being hated does. People want to help those that they know and like, so make sure you’re not only talented but congenial too. It can be a big help when people feel that you are someone who will do them good rather than harm in the long run.
4. Be prepared to learn hard lessons

Everyone makes mistakes, but some people have to learn harder lessons than others. The best thing you can do is make sure you learn fast and don’t get into that position in the first place!
5. Give it all you’ve got
The person who does most things right almost always comes out on top, even if they’re not perfect at everything – simply because everyone else isn’t perfect either, and getting a bit of everything right can put you way above the competition.
6. Don’t get discouraged
You will take knocks along the way, no matter what you do. Some people are just out to make sure that your journey is as bumpy as possible, but they’re only one part of the mix! You mustn’t let other people’s bad sides or cynical attitudes prevent you from making progress – nor must you give in to self-doubt if things aren’t going well for a while.
7. Do it anyway
There are many reasons why some things don’t work out over time, usually because circumstances change drastically after we’ve started something new. That doesn’t mean that you should give up. Don’t get locked into the idea that things won’t work out just because they haven’t so far! Always follow your instincts – they are there for a reason, and you’re not going to be the only one who gets it wrong sometimes!
8. Keep moving forward

Once you’ve set off on a journey towards business success, don’t ever stop. If something stops working, then look for another way of doing things, but don’t think that if plan A doesn’t work, then there’s no point in continuing with plan B either! If you keep going and aren’t discouraged by setbacks, then eventually, you’ll come out on top.
9. Do what you know best
When making decisions at any stage of your business journey, the best thing you can do is analyze what’s in your own interests first. After all, if you fail, then no one will! Try to figure out which courses of action are most likely to bring you success, not just because they’re good for other people but because they’re good for you too.
10. Know when to stop
Once again, there comes the point where things change, and it’s time to move on. You shouldn’t be afraid or embarrassed by that – rather, feel proud of yourself for knowing when enough is enough and moving on so much wiser than before! Never try to force a situation long after it has ceased being productive: that only gets in the way of getting back on track in good time.
11. Don’t be greedy!

You might think that you need to grab as much as possible for yourself since giving things away is never a good idea. It’s an attitude we’ve all grown up with – but the truth is that other people have just as much of a right to be happy and successful as you do yourself! Giving will make your life better in the long run; don’t forget to share what you can when it really matters.
12. Love what you do
When all else fails, love keeps on keeping on! If you’re passionate about what you are doing, there will always be times when trying something harder or going a bit further seems like the next logical step. Don’t let anything get in the way of you continuing to pursue your dream – especially that little voice inside your head which tells you it’s time to give up!
Generation Z is here, and that means more competition in the workforce. That’s also good news for those just entering the job market because it increases the demand for new skills in this economy. The good news is that all you need to compete are the skills you have and the determination to succeed.
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Maham Qasim is an English Literature and Economics student at Forman Christian College University with an interest in writing. Maham was born in Pakistan and raised in Saudi Arabia and is now pursuing her education.