Meet Ken Domik, a successful food blogger best known for his popular channel KBDProductionsTV. Although Ken is based out of Canada, he reviews intricate and trending foods all over the world. Ken has turned his passion for trying out new foods into a full-time career (who wouldn’t want this job?)
Before Fame:
Before Ken gained a massive following on YouTube, he was working for the York Region District School Board, and the students who he worked with convinced him to start a YouTube channel. At the time (2006), Ken was making an array of different types of videos, from skits to roller coaster review videos and eventually Minecraft videos.
The Rise of KBD Productions:
Ken said he began creating food-related videos after he saw another YouTuber review a food item. When interviewing Ken he explained that “What really made my channel grow was listening to my subscribers and shouting them out when I used their idea or request.” Being an influencer heavily revolves around engaging with and showing appreciation to your fan base as they are the ones who support you day in and day out.
Ken’s channel has since exploded and amassed over 500,000 unique subscribers with some of his most popular videos being reviewing flowing Japanese bamboo noodles, and exploring different secret menu items at McDonald’s. KBD Production TV has accumulated over 150,000,000 channel views since launching.
As many of us are, Ken is a food junkie and has turned his passion into a career that allows him to travel the world and try new foods. He shows that surrounding yourself with something you enjoy is far more important than pursuing a career solely for the money.
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Brendan Cox (born 08/29/2000) is an American teen serial entrepreneur who currently owns and runs various businesses. Specializing in graphic design and branding, Cox is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in his age group.
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