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Drive Thru’s ‘Thriving’ as COVID-19 restrictions keep people from dining in

Starbucks drive thru packed with customers

Drive-thrus are often popular to people with busy schedules. This Godsent idea makes it even easier for people to grab meals from their favorite fast-food chains.

With the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, people lean to the drive-thru to grab some fast food fix. Many states have banned eating dine-in in fast food restaurants. This move was put in place to prevent close proximity among individuals, preventing possible infections. 

Some of the well known fast-food restaurants have observed an upshot in sales despite the virus. The fact is it’s not surprising for big fast-food restaurants to put their operations in favor of the drive-thrus. They could simply close their in-store operations, and quickly shift to 100% drive-thru service. But how about the small local restaurants?

Some local restaurants have shut down permanently due to the rising cases of COVID-19 infections. However, some have quickly adapted and made their own makeshift drive-thru windows. 

Let’s take Williamson Bro’s Bar-B-Q for example. The pandemic has threatened their survival, closing down three units in Georgia. However, they adjusted their menu and services and made a makeshift drive-thru. The parking lots were turned into a drive-thru with customers wrapping around the restaurant. 

According to Danny Williamson, one of its founders, they have realized the importance of a drive-thru window especially in times of the pandemic. He said in an interview with Restaurant Business that they have to include a drive-thru even if limited in-store dining has already been allowed. “…But until something really changes with the coronavirus, people would rather go to the drive-thru, get it and go home. People feel a lot safer doing this at this point.” he also added. 

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The editorial team for AsianBlurb.

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