Being a Doctor is not an easy feat. You would have to dedicate a lot of time and effort. Today we’ll look into the life of an extremely coveted spine doctor. Let us meet Dr. James Chappuis, a veteran in the medical field, and an artist by heart.
Who is Dr. James Chappuis?
Dr. James Chappuis is a veteran in the medical field. His long list of achievements span for almost three decades. He is considered a visionary in the field of spine specialization, holding over 27 spine surgery hardware patents. He is also a proud founder of two Institutions that cements the legacy of the whole city of Atlanta: Westside Cultural Arts Center and Spine Center Atlanta.
If we are going to recall each and every achievement that he had acquired over the years, it would take us hours just to finish it. He is a celebrated figure in the medical field. Without any hint of exaggeration.
He recalls that he wanted to be in the arts at first. He was discouraged by others around him, telling him that he wouldn’t make a living out of it. Instead, he focused on science and math. He views human anatomy as an art form. Fast forward to today, Dr. James is a coveted spine surgeon in the world.
For him, he was able to channel his artistic self by finding solutions for spine problems. The problems provided him an opportunity to design new instruments for spine surgery. Outside of the medical facilities, Dr. James keeps track of the local arts scene.
Spine Center Atlanta: First Class Medical Institution
Dr. James is the founder, senior orthopedic spine surgeon, and Board Chairman of Spine Center Atlanta. The facility is one of the most technologically advanced medical institutions in the world.
Spine Center Atlanta aims to use non-invasive treatment procedures for chronic pain or injuries. This is possible through their extensive range of procedures as well as a wide range of medical memberships available.
We were not kidding when we said that this institution has everything. The physicians in Spine Center Atlanta are all board certified. They have their own resident anesthesiologist. Patients who require specific procedures for their neck or back may get relief from Spine Center Atlanta. Their services include:
- Interventional spine operations
- Water Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Medical massage
- Work conditioning
- Oriental medicine and acupuncture
- IDD Therapy
- Dry Needling
- Regenerative stem cell theraphy
- Ambulatory surgical facility,
Patients on-the-go or home-based may also avail of the center’s quality care through virtual meetings with highly-skilled Family Nurse practitioners. On the other hand, patients who may need surgery could virtually meet with orthopedic spine surgeons, Dr. Julio Petilon and Dr. James Chappuis MD FACS.
Contributing to Atlanta’s Rich History
Now that you’ve met the medical field-legend Dr. James, time to meet the art enthusiast-Dr. James. When he was asked why he founded the Westside Cultural Arts Center, he simply replied with a story from his childhood. Before he ever thought of being a doctor, Dr. James’ heart was with the arts.
Sometime in 2007, Dr. James purchased the building where WCAC stands today. Before, he thought of it as a real estate investment. He started to rent it out to tenants but did not enjoy it. He said that he needed to find a purpose for the building. Dr. James wanted to contribute and give back to the Atlanta community.

Dr. James was an avid collector of art pieces. The museum was used as a way to share his collection of artworks with everyone. He said this in an interview with 17th South: “Here, artists can be who they are.”. Dr. James added:
“I think art should push the envelope; I’m attracted to artists who have something to say. For me, it’s a way to effect social change and raise social awareness. If artists can’t do that, who can?”
In the past, the gallery has held shows on gun violence and religion. In his estimation, new exhibits will arrive at the gallery every eight weeks. These exhibits will focus on featuring local artists who work with abstract and contemporary genres.
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