The outbreak of covid-19 is no news to any of us. All aspects of businesses and life, in general, have been affected by this crisis. For businesses, the crisis acted as a barrier to achieving targeted growth and success, especially in the marketing sector.
After experiencing a 6.3% growth in spending on ads the previous year, the segment witnessed a 5% decline this year. Nevertheless, it is still not too late for you to achieve your set business goals in this last quarter of the year at your marketing agency. To help you, here are a few tips and tricks that will help:
Communicate with Your Clients

Start by reaching out to your clientele. Let them know you are motivated to end the year solid and recommend regular configurations and synchronizations. This allows you to upsell and cross-sell. Simple assurances through a text or email might not be enough. Try video calling your customers in order to have a greater impact.
Offer Solutions

Regularly checking in with clients will help you better understand what is working and what is not. You can then steer through the needs of the clients. If a problem or issue arises, offer solutions diligently rather than not readily communicating back to customers over their troubles. Using tools like CRM or SEO while looking for solutions is always a good idea.

Use your contacts and network to refer your business to other businesses. This will help increase the reputation of your business in the market and also point potential customers towards your agency.
Networking around Family and Friends

It is a common practice to keep your business separate from your family and friends, however, if you do it right it can actually help your business and increase your linkage. Just be prepared to really deliver valuable services to them. This could be a plan or strategy that will sincerely benefit their business as well as yours.
Make Observation Your Superpower

Visit your local hardware stores and observe the delivery trucks that visit the store, be it, roofers or plumbers, etc. Back at your office devise a plan or workflow in order to branch out your services to these firms as well. This will again help you to build a strong network and get potential clientele in your pipelines.

Cross-selling is considered the perfect way to expand on your efforts in order to maintain and raise sales without having to work the effort to find new customers. Just make sure whatever you’re offering is basic, clear and makes sense, and does not catch customers off-guard. Keep up with customer goals and pitch ideas in order to cater to their business especially.
Manage Work Schedules

Don’t overburden yourself with work entirely but after setting aside time for family and friends, try to squeeze in most of your work duties on your calendar and rigorously follow that schedule. This will help you manage work well and also help to maintain your own check and balance.
Relax, Breathe and Meditate

Exercising, meditating, or just finding a minute to breathe is something most medical experts recommend, due to its numerous benefits for emotional, mental, and physical health and productivity.
Not only will such practices help you manage your anxiety better but also help in enhancing and developing your memory. Meditation is a great way to self-reflect, refocus, and prioritize your next moves. If you’re doing well, so will your business.

Get inspired! Look at the people who have achieved what you are striving to do. Numerous organizations offer coaching under trainers that do not own an agency or business. Nevertheless, these individuals are quick learners through observation and research and therefore, can help you better understand your business environment.
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Maham Qasim is an English Literature and Economics student at Forman Christian College University with an interest in writing. Maham was born in Pakistan and raised in Saudi Arabia and is now pursuing her education.