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the Best Businesses to Start in 2020

Row of clothes

Starting a business in 2020 has become easier. Almost everyone with the basic skills, small capital, and drive to establish a small venture that has the chance to turn into an empire. Here are some business ideas to help you out in becoming the next big business mogul. 

Before we list down the business ideas, we must keep in mind the current situation with the pandemic. The businesses flourishing right now are those who were able to digitize and continue their services even with the stay at home orders in place. No one knows what could happen after the virus finally subsides, but we must always remember that businesses should be able to stand the test of time.

Consulting Services

Are you an expert of a certain field or subject matter? You could try lending a hand to businesses or institutions that are in need of your expertise. The great thing about this venture is that you could save yourself a fortune by going online and working from home. Before you go out there and tell people about your business, you need to build your credibility. 

You could build your business from the professional networks you have built over the years. Fit Small Business shares a hack to build your credibility: Write a book. It does not need to be lengthy, it just needs to contain your thoughts and ideas, in about 100 pages. A book increases your value plus it allows you to launch speaking gigs in front of your potential customers. 

Graphic Designer

Expressing your creativity could net you a sweet pay at the end! If you have a passion and a meticulous eye for art, you could lend your services as a graphic artist. The possibilities are limitless in this field. There are a multitude of art styles to choose from. Fit Small Business recommends that you figure out what niche you are most creative in. If you have knowledge of cool logo designs, then you could be of service to brands and businesses who need to rebrand themselves. 

Before you go out there, make sure that you have a portfolio to showcase your skills. Make sure that you always put your best foot forward in this industry. 

Just Anything About Data

The tip of the proverbial iceberg that is big data has just been surfacing lately in the past couple years. This means that this is the perfect time to invest in learning the capability of big data in transforming how the world works. Firms are more inclined to harness big data to make sense of the world and develop market edge from actionable insights. 

If you love crunching numbers and data, the U.S News recommends that you watch out for market research and marketing as the two emerging fields that use Data. 

Digital Marketing

In relation to big data, digital marketing is an emerging business. We have already realized the importance of the internet in our lives. Every day, more and more businesses are wanting to stake a claim in the internet and leave a digital footprint. 

If your interest is piqued by SEO, PPC (Pay-Per-Click), Social Media Marketing, or Copywriting then we think this job is for you. More and more businesses are realizing the importance of a great branding. This is where you lend your expertise and respond to their needs and help them get what they want out of their business, all while allowing yourself to relax at the comforts of your own home. 

Start your own clothing line

If you are a fashion geek or you want to establish your own streetwear brand then you could start a small and humble clothing line. A streetwear brand for example is a subculture of the fashion industry. Oberlo says that a streetwear brand could capitalize on the surging popularity of influencers. By riding a specific wave of consumers, your fashion brand can quickly scale and reach greater heights in the future. 

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

AsianBlurb Staff
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The editorial team for AsianBlurb.

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