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Surgical Robotics Company: Intuitive Surgical

Intuitive Surgical is a surgical robotics company that you should know. They are paving the way for the future of medicine. Intuitive Surgical’s da Vinci robot is leading the surgical robot race. The da Vinci robot is the most abundant robot, with more units in use than any other robotic system.

The da Vinci robot’s range of surgical procedures is far greater than its competition on the market. It is designed to perform a plethora of minimally invasive procedures, with vast regulatory approvals, granting it a wide spectrum of operation – making it more appealing to consumers than its competitors.

With more than 7,000 peer-reviewed studies and publications, the da Vinci robot is being used effectively across the globe.

Intuitive Surgical officials expect da Vinci’s procedures to continue growing and the company also has an R&D pipeline that is hopeful to produce more products in the coming years.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Written By

Vincent Le is a pre-medical student at Georgia State University with an interest in surgery.

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