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This Once Broke Student is Now a Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneur

Steve Barlett.

You should have realized by now that you can’t change the world alone. You need all the help that you need in your mission. This is what this teenager believes in. He believes that he could change the world if he partners with the world’s biggest brands. This is how entrepreneur Steve Barlett became zero to millionaire in a few short years.

Who is Steve Barlett?

Before all the glitz and glamour, Steve Barlett was a broke college student in Manchester. Though, he had the drive to change the world. Barrett previously worked on “Wallpark”, an online forum for students. After he quit, he founded Social Chain. 

The Social Chain Group is composed of over 20 companies in media, technology, marketing, and e-commerce. Barrett owns two of the group’s flagship companies, Social Chain Agency, and Media Chain. These companies own over 400 digital communities worldwide, with a reach of over 1.8 billion Gen-Zs monthly.

What Sets His Companies Apart

As the name of his company implies, he wants social change. In his own words, he is mindful of the causes that need attention in the world. Through Social Change’s direct action, influence, and example, he aims to end social injustice and climate change.

Did you know that his company works hard to achieve the “Sustainable Development Goals”? These goals are a set of 17 goals put forth by the United Nations for all member-nations to follow. His company has raised over $500,000 with a $1 million milestone achievable in the next few months. 

Contributions to Social Change 

Barrett tells that being fearless is a need for the business he is in. He says that they aim to push boundaries for social change. Some of his company’s projects include:

#NoFilterNoFuture – A campaign launched with Brita, which aims to tell people how helpful it is to reduce single-use plastics. As part of the campaign, they asked help from Instagram Influencers to upload photoshopped images of beaches littered with garbage and plastic wastes. These influencers warned their followers of how dangerous it is if single-use plastics get consumed daily without any alternatives. In the end, they also speak of how Brita’s filtered bottles help in their mission.

Internally, they fully commit to social change. Barrett says that they have incorporated disability access in all their officers. They have also stopped from preventing the purchase of plastic bottles and they only use green energy providers. That’s a real commitment. 

He has a foundation, too. Barrett is proud of the Rewrite Foundation, which aims to transform the imprisoning stories of the youth. It assists 14-20 year olds by equipping them with self-awareness, industry experience, and skill development. Rewrite aims to “rewrite” these people’s future that was previously set for them.

Steve Barrett’s Challenge to Everyone

According to him, a small business could start now. There is no right time to start contributing to social change but now. He recommends that small businesses inch their way and gradually increase their contributions. 

As for the tools important in promoting social-good campaigns, he recommends that brands fully utilize the power media. These include (but not limited to) videos and imagery and an accompanying message which could spark action from people. Using social media platforms for these campaigns is also an excellent choice. They allow sharing among networks and peers, allowing for it to become viral. 

If you wish to learn more about his companies, you may visit their website here. You may also learn more about Steve Barlett here. Are you a teenager dreaming to be a millionaire? Click here to read more about side hustles for teenagers.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Brendan Cox
Written By

Brendan Cox (born 08/29/2000) is an American teen serial entrepreneur who currently owns and runs various businesses. Specializing in graphic design and branding, Cox is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in his age group.

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