“I’m Too Busy”
The expression is widely used to shake off issues that we don’t want to deal with. They are often brought up as people seek to make their lives look more fruitful than ours. It’s an argument that slips off our tongues too quickly, and it’s time for us to understand that this term doesn’t do any good to anyone. It’s not you and honestly, no one needs to know that you are “too busy”.
I recently spoke to students within the entrepreneurship major at various schools about this subject. With college students and graduates entering the workforce, it is important that they remove this phrase from their vocabulary because it can actually be detrimental to their careers. If you tell somebody that you’re too busy, do you expect them to be disappointed or do you think you’re telling the truth because you can’t concentrate on a new project? Is “I’m too busy” an expression that the boss needs to hear or the co-worker who does the same amount of work than you do?
What does saying “I’m too busy” accomplish? Nothing, nothing at all. It’s a phrase we say to make ourselves feel important or even fulfilled. But you know what? There’s always someone busier than you.
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