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5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Stay Healthy

Happy healthy businessman

As remote work continues to be a staple of our workforce, it’s important to keep our health in mind. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is easy to forget when working particularly from home. Failure to do so can pose many obstacles and risks. Read our 5 health tips for entrepreneurs to stay healthy.

1. Commit to a Schedule

While some companies believe remote employees are less productive than traditional in-house employees, the opposite is more common. Remote workers often find themselves struggling with overwork rather than underwork. It is too easy to get sucked into the job, forgetting to take breaks or working around the clock. Its crucial to set and commit to a daily schedule. Make sure to include Breaks, lunch, and even time to yourself to avoid overworking and the inevitable resulting burnout that can follow.

2. Make Time for Breaks

Remembering to take breaks is important not only for mental health but also for productivity. Remember to drink plenty of water, have a healthy snack, take small pauses, or even if it’s only for a few minutes, find a distraction other than your phone. This will improve overtime performance, as well as help prevent overwork for workers and the resulting burnout.

3. Prevent Eye Strain

Constantly working from a computer also means workers can experience eye strain troubles (and often the resulting headaches that follow). If the light from your PC or laptop in “your office” is too bright, then it’s time to either consider a different, more suitable environment or start using blue light filters or glasses to reduce the risk of future vision problems.

4. Invest in a Good Office Space

Any freelancer and remote worker must have a good office space. This is especially important when working from home, as it lets employees draw the balance between relaxing at home and spending time in the workplace to work. Workers might also consider investing in a standing desk or an ergonomic keyboard and mouse to help offset the physical risks of working outside a traditional office. 

5. Get out of your Pajamas 

The next challenge for freelancers and remote workers in staying healthy is simply getting out of bed in the morning. While being allowed to work in pajamas may sound like a privilege, this may bring workers into unhealthy routines. When it does not feel like a workplace, it is not just the office work that will suffer, it is also likely that the home life and health will also fail.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Written By

Devin Caherly (born 03/17/2001) is an American teen entrepreneur and influencer. Caherly is most widely known for his TikTok account with over a million followers.



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