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8 Reasons Why You Should Start An Instagram Account Today

Young woman checking social media

Ever wondered how to start a “niche” account on Instagram? We have all seen Instagram accounts with millions of followers that focus on different niches (niche is just a fancy word for a topic). Some examples are business, cars, fashion, fitness, and motivation.

Starting an account is easy and free. All you have to do is create a new account with a thoughtful username and eye-catching profile. Once you start posting high-quality content you will start to gain a following (although it doesn’t happen overnight). If you want to be an entrepreneur but have no start-up funds a niche account is a perfect cost-free business model. Still not sold on the idea? Here are 8 Instagram statistics that might just convince you to start an Instagram account today

8 Shocking Statistics

1). 1 billion users are active every month. That’s almost three times the US population.

2). 500 million users are active every day. That’s almost double the US population.

3). In 2017, 70.7 percent of US businesses use Instagram. With 30 million businesses (both large and small) in the USA, this number translates to 21 million US businesses using Instagram.

4). 80 percent of Instagram users follow at least one business account. This translates to 640 million users following at least one business account.

5). There are 2 million Instagram advertisers every month

6). Time spent on Instagram increases by 80 percent every year.

7). In 2016, 48 percent of US brands used Instagram to promote their businesses. The number shot up to 71% in 2017 and to 82% in 2018.

8). 300 million Instagram accounts use Instagram Stories every day.

If you could leverage your Instagram on these statistics, we’re sure you’re going to hit jackpot. While we’re on the subject, try reading the realities of social media entrepreneurs here.

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AsianBlurb Staff
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The editorial team for AsianBlurb.

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