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5 Things you Need To Know Before Starting a Clothing Business

Young man screen printing

Starting a clothing company can be daunting. Here are five things you need to know before launching your clothing business:

1. Know your reasoning

It’s important to understand why you want to start a clothing line before you take your first steps. Whether you love fashion, want to create a community of like-minded people, or want to increase your cash flow, knowing why you want to venture into apparel is one of the most crucial aspects of starting a business. It will point you in the right direction from the beginning, especially when defining your desired audience.

2. Define your target market

Who does your brand appeal to? Understanding your audience is a key part of your business. For example, if you’d like to create an athletic clothing line that consists of tank tops and gym shorts, your target audience will likely include “gym-rats” and fitness enthusiasts. It is vital to put yourself in the shoes of your target market and think from their point of view and what would likely appeal to them. Ask yourself, “What excites me about this brand?” If you want people to gravitate toward your brand, your label and message must resonate with them.

3. Be selective in who you work with

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Any functioning startup requires a team. That can include family members, best friends or acquaintances, or people interested in fashion and your brand’s message. Before hiring anyone, make sure they share your vision for the brand, but also have other ideas to contribute. Of course your partner(s) must share your same work ethic and goals for the brand to achieve success. But in the end, learning how to run a successful company will be easier and more rewarding if you choose your employees wisely.

4. Promote your brand

This is very self-explanatory. A brand does not achieve success overnight. Start with an Instagram page. Instagram is preferred because it lets you tag products via Shopify on your page. Share your brand’s website with your family and friends, and promote it on your own social media pages. It is imperative to promote the brand in your inner circle–the people you know best–first. From there, it is all about the word of mouth. Your friend telling their friends and so on is the best way to spread the word and generate excitement.

5. Age is just a number

It is. It does not matter how young or old you are. If you set your mind to it, you can do anything at any age. I started my brand when I was just 15, and honestly, I could have started earlier if I had the confidence when I was younger. Do not be intimidated by anybody and do not worry about how small or big your company is at the beginning stage. We all have to start somewhere.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Written By

Eli Zied (born 04/30/2002) is an American teen entrepreneur who currently owns a well-known streetwear business dubbed Habits 365.

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