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5 Productivity Hacks That Will Change Your Life

Inspiring productivity

Some of the best entrepreneurs know that a streamlined and efficient workflow is key to a successful venture. Whether in time management or task handling, you should be adept at optimizing your time. Here are the top 5 productivity hacks that you need to master. 

Dedicate A Time to Stress Over Things

Wait? I thought it’s an article about getting rid of stress? Yes, the idea behind this tip might be really odd. Consequently, if you spend most of your days stressing over things that will come in the future, then you are as good as fried. Try to dedicate a block of your time to give in to stress. 

Stress is a normal part of our lives. Actively scheduling a small chunk of your time to stress over things might be the nudge you need to perform consistently at a high level. 

Procrastinate (Productively)

Again, this may sound odd but hear us out. We mean that every once in a while, look for a specific thing that’s not work-related. It may be learning a new sport, cooking a new dish, or learning a new skill. It helps your mind relax and gives you some sort of fulfillment for accomplishing something. 

Read Email Just Once

Read each email once and decide what to with it. We sometimes read our emails multiple times a day and decide to mark it for later decisions. It turns your inbox into a bottomless pit. Your inbox haunts you and reminds you of the things that you need to get back to. It is a stressful matter to deal with, so pro tip: decide what to do with your messages as soon as possible. 

Bring a Small Notepad

Some people underestimate the power of ideas that pop randomly in our heads. You should always bring a handy little notebook or your journal wherever you are. Whenever ideas pop in your head, write it as soon as possible. Sometimes, we resort to putting all the information in our head for later access. This sounds good, but we often forget the small details whenever we are fed with more things to think about. 

Minimize Your To Do’s 

Write 5 To Do’s on your list at a time. I know this sounds crazy but please hear us out. By writing only five things, you will be forced to assess the importance of each task. You’ll be forced to prioritize it according to the gravity of each item. In conjunction with our previous tip, keep a bucket list of all your deliverables someplace else. Minimize your daily tasks to at most 5 items. 

These are just some of the countless productivity tips we could share. If you have more tips, share them below in our comments! If you’re interested in more articles like these, consider reading here about the top tips from the world’s richest man.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Sam Kimen
Written By

Sam Kimen is a lifestyle reporter in Los Angeles covering internet culture. Sam is passionate about influencer marketing and the entrepreneurial side of social media.

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