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5 Killer Tips for Working From Home

Young mother working from home

COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, has kept commuters from going into work. Much of the world is on lockdown and people are encouraged to stay at home, even in places that aren’t. Wherever practicable, employers allow or require individuals to work for an indeterminate period of time from home. If you’re new to the work-from-home lifestyle, whether it’s because of coronavirus or because you’ve decided to land a remote-based career, you’ll need to adjust some of your patterns and rituals to make homework a success.

1. Maintain Regular Hours

Set a schedule, and stick to it … most of the time. Having clear guidelines for when to work and when to call it a day helps many remote workers maintain work-life balance. That said, flexibility is one of the benefits of remote work and sometimes you need to extend your day or start early to accommodate someone else’s time zone.

2. Take Breaks in Their Entirety

Don’t cut yourself short during breaks, especially when eating lunch. You can use an app like TimeOut for Mac and Smart Break for Windows to lock yourself 60 minutes off your device. When you take a break, you can also use clock and timer app on the phone. It’s crucial to take breaks from looking at the computer screen even when your at home.

3. Keep a Dedicated Office Space

Remote employees in an ideal world would not only have a dedicated office but also two computers, one for work and one for personal use. It’s safer for the employer, and allows you to keep work and personal separate. But not everyone has this luxury as keeping two computers isn’t always realistic. Instead, devote a desk and other peripherals for job use only.

4. “Show Up” to Meetings and Be Heard

Certainly, you’ll take part in mandatory video conferences and conference calls, but it’s a good idea to attend optional meetings too. Be sure to speak up during the meeting so everyone knows you’re on the call. A simple, “Thanks, everyone. Bye!” will go a long way towards making your presence known at the end of the meeting.

5. Create a Morning Routine

It’s one thing to decide to sit down at your desk and start work at a certain time. Creating a routine that will guide you to the chair is a different one. What does your morning routine look like? Maybe it’s a cup of coffee. It might be going back home after a jog. Maybe it’s getting dressed (wearing pajama pants to work is a good thing for some, but a bad strategy for others).

Find out other ways to stay healthy while working at home here.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

AsianBlurb Staff
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The editorial team for AsianBlurb.

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