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5 Common Small Business Customer Service Mistakes

Side view of young customer service agent working in office

Great customer service is imperative for all businesses. Your business’ success depend on how you take care of your patrons. However, we commit small mistakes in our business that may drive away our regulars. Here are some customer service mistakes that you should avoid now. 

No Contact Details

The first step that a customer takes when he wants to try out your services is by looking for a way to contact you. You will effectively lose all potential sales if you make it hard for your customers to contact you. Your phone numbers or email address should be easy to find on the internet.

We suggest that you make a contact form that is accessible to your customers. It should be a platform for your customers to ask questions or get a hold of your contact information. 

Slow Responses

Nothing irks a customer more than being unresponsive of their inquiries. Imagine the time wasted when you take too long to respond. It would be enough time for your customers to look for another business that offers the same services or products as you. 

A solution for this is by investing in an automated helpdesk that could answer the simplest inquiries of your customers. If the bot cannot accommodate their inquiries, then it could relay the inquiry to you for your response. 

No Accessible Phone Number

Do not underestimate the power of the phone. It may become an obsolete tool, but people still prefer calling businesses for their inquiries. Your phone number should be easy to locate and it should be consistently answered. If you cannot squeeze in answering calls, then you may explore other options. 

A good example of an alternative is a virtual assistant to deal with phone inquiries. You may also avail the services of a small call center service provider. 

Not Training Your Staff

Customer service is a team effort. Just because you are the boss doesn’t mean you wil need to handle all the inquiries. Train your staff in properly handling customer inquiries. Each interaction between customers and employees could make or break your business. 

Remind them to be courteous. Make sure that they deal with inquiries with utmost professionalism and finesse. 

Indifference To Feedback

The most powerful tool you could leverage on to improve your business is through customer feedback. Always remember that whether you believe on the customer’s feedback, accept it and consider it in the next planning. 

Make sure that your feedback forms are easily accessible to your customers. If you can, make it anonymous to encourage them to participate. You can also spice it up a bit by giving a small token of appreciation when they accomplish the survey. 

If you want more articles like this, read here on the five most common reasons why businesses fail.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Sam Kimen
Written By

Sam Kimen is a lifestyle reporter in Los Angeles covering internet culture. Sam is passionate about influencer marketing and the entrepreneurial side of social media.

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