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5 Amazing Tips To Slowly Build Your Networks

Young entrepreneur

We’ve said this a number of times already: You won’t succeed in your venture if you do everything on your own. Expanding your network is a necessary component in every successful entrepreneur’s playbook. Don’t know how to do it? Great thing we’re here to help you out. Here are five tips to expand your connections as a young entrepreneur. 

Be Active on Social Media

The easiest step to expand your network is to be active in your social media accounts. Remember that you are going to connect with other humans too. There’s a big possibility that they are present in the platform too. 

Keep in mind that different entrepreneurs employ different strategies. You just have to be mindful of what entrepreneurs you are planning to attract and what industry you are going to focus on. This will save you a lot of time and effort. 

Join an Organization

A great way to expand your network is by joining a group of like-minded individuals. You get to interact with entrepreneurs who share the same vision as you. What’s great about this is that you may also meet other individuals tangential to what you are currently venturing on. They may be a source of inspiration for the next great adventure you will embark on. 

Joining an organization will also provide you priceless benefits. We cannot stress enough the mentoring and exposure you will gain from joining an organization. Some organizations also have exclusive offers to its members which is altogether an amazing experience. 

Meet With Other Entrepreneurs

Schedule a meet-up with entrepreneurs in your area. If item #2 does not work for you, go and invite other entrepreneurs to a nice cup of coffee. While in a casual place, you may subconsciously begin bouncing ideas off each other. It is a great way to make friends, and build long-lasting alliances. 

Another great impact of this is that you may also get the idea to start your own organization similar to #2. If no organizations exist in your area, starting one is definitely helpful for you, your colleagues, and for future entrepreneurs. 

Join a Co-Working Space

A trend that’s gaining more popularity today is co-working spaces. For the uninitiated, coworking spaces are designed for employees working in different companies. The common infrastructure allows them to work in peace, socialize, and network. 

What’s in it for you, you ask? Joining a co-working space allows you to scope out the whole building for individuals who share the same passion as you. You will meet people in different industries. Some may even offer you their expertise if they find your venture related to them or highly promising. 

Proactively Network

Do not be afraid to ask. What you need to do is proactively network with people. Look at the bigger picture. Remember that the people in your network have their own network. Take advantage of this. Ask your current connection if it’s possible that you meet up with people in their own circle. Just think of it as the food web. You are somehow connected to a person that will greatly impact your business; through a common friend or connection. 

This is advantageous to you and them. You will give them value for the time they allotted for you and in turn, they will give your insights and lifelong learnings. Ask yourself: Is it better that you did not try? Or is it better that you asked first without thinking if they would accept your offer to connect with them? 

What we want to tell you is that you should be brave and strategic in building your networks. There’s no harm in trying, right? If you wish to read more tips about teen entrepreneurs, read here.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

AsianBlurb Staff
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The editorial team for AsianBlurb.

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