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4 Proven Ways to Boost Your Social Media Marketing

Do you find it difficult to grow your following on social media? One of the best ways to boost your social media marketing is by using influencer marketing. Influencer marketing can be defined as a strategy that promotes products or services.

There are many benefits of utilizing this type of advertising, and these include increased brand awareness, higher conversion rates, improved customer satisfaction, and greater return on investment. For influencers to work well with brands, they must trust them first and feel like they have something in common with the company’s values.

When done right, the bottom line is that influencers provide more than just a pretty face for a product; they give their followers someone who understands what it takes to succeed today – a ray of hope that inspires them.

Here are 4 simple things you can do to improve your social media marketing.

1. Identify The Right Social Media Channel

Top 9 Benefits of Social Media for Your Business
Image Source: Search Engine Journal

Several social media platforms are available for you to choose from, but which one is the most suitable for your needs? Researching this can be a daunting task. One thing that could help you make an informed decision would be to determine which of these sites your target audiences spend most of their time on.

Generally speaking, it’s possible to select a platform based on our audience’s preferences and tendencies – Facebook has been noted to have many users across every age group, according to research by Pew Research Center (2018). In addition, monthly active users have grown substantially over the past year, with nearly 2 billion worldwide!

Facebook is best if you want to increase brand awareness or generate leads. On the other hand, Twitter and LinkedIn may be better options for expanding your network of influencers and professionals because their networks are more conducive to these objectives.

For example, Great Wine posts wine-drinking tips on Facebook regularly and uses it as a medium to connect with other audiences. This helps them reach greater numbers of people through targeted advertising campaigns that don’t require an already established audience base like what would happen on Instagram or Pinterest.

2.   Make The Most Of Live Video

Best Live Video Tips for Successful Streams - ManyCam Blog ManyCam Blog
Image Source: Many Cam

Live videos have become a popular way to stay connected with customers. Livestreaming is more effective than reading blogs because it’s engaging and interactive. So if you’re going to improve your social media marketing efforts, the live video should be an important part of the mix!

Live streaming brand events, interviews, or behind-the-scenes footage will keep people interested in what you do best while increasing interest among potential buyers looking for something new.

If you’re going to improve your social media marketing efforts, a live video should be an important part of your mix. You could use this opportunity to Livestream events like brand interviews or behind-the-scenes footage from the company to increase engagement with viewers and customers alike for better branding overall. 

Make it easier by using tools that make creating those videos much simpler!

3.   Create Your Brand’s Story

Image Source: Digital Land

What your brand is saying about you and how you say it can impact the way people feel about your company. This means that effective storytelling in marketing is crucial to the success of any business’s branding strategies.

Stories always help develop emotional connections between brands and their target audience. Which helps create an intimate bond with consumers who want more from “bigger” companies than just products or services alone.

Social media networks like Facebook provide users living spaces where they can find all sorts of interesting content without ever having to leave their social feeds for another site. This makes Facebook the ideal platform through which businesses can tell stories while staying true to themselves.

Here, taking an example of Intel’s inspiring stories will help you get a clear idea.

Intel shares uplifting stories of its company with consumers like us on Instagram. These snippets give employees and customers a clear idea of what Intel is all about: innovation, entrepreneurship, positivity! Their high engagement rate shows that people are just as excited to hear from the company as they are for new products to launch. And who doesn’t want more inspiration in their daily lives?

4.   Use Social-Friendly Images

Image Source: Inc. Magazine

Nowadays, it is difficult to find any social media marketing content that doesn’t have images. According to the Social Media Marketing Industry Report 2016, 74% of marketers on social media use images in their marketing strategy.

This is because customers are getting pickier and are rejecting the use of stock photos and graphics; however, small businesses may not afford a designer or time-consuming graphic design services like Venngage due to its high cost.

But still, you can create many custom designs using templates without having Photoshop skills by editing text styles with shapes from other libraries online, such as Canva or PicMonkey.

You can create your infographic, image, or template using Venngage. With hundreds of templates and three levels based on skillset (beginner, intermediate/intermediate-plus, advanced), you’re bound to find something that suits your needs! The more creative the content is for promoting a brand or product online – the better chance it has at going viral.

Final Thoughts

You want to put your best foot forward and use an engaging platform. To improve sales, you need consumers engaged in what they’re buying for their lives or work. This will help them purchase the products that you have available!

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Maham Qasim
Written By

Maham Qasim is an English Literature and Economics student at Forman Christian College University with an interest in writing. Maham was born in Pakistan and raised in Saudi Arabia and is now pursuing her education.

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