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3 key things not to do when starting a clothing brand

Many Male One-colour T-shirt On Hanger In Store Of Shopping Cent

1. Do not rush

This first step sounds simple. In reality though, who does not want their brand to blow up from the jump? In order to make your brand the best it can be, you must take your time to create designs and come up with a strategic marketing plan. It takes weeks if not months to create a solid message describing the purpose of your brand. Rushing through the process will make everything feel stressful and disorganized, something you do not want when getting started. When I created the company, I made the mistake of rushing to choose a manufacturer. I simply looked up “manufacturers near me” and selected the first option. After I received my first batch of 24 shirts, I realized that I could have paid $4 less had I used a less expensive manufacturer. That may not seem like a lot of money, but for a startup, $4 per item can make a huge difference in expenses.

2. Do not be worried about your following on social media

People always approach me with the question, “How did you gain over 100,000 followers on your Instagram?” It was a difficult and time-consuming process to gain a stable following on Instagram. It took three years for us to achieve 143,000 followers. However, having a large following in the beginning stages of your brand is something you shouldn’t worry about. My advice to you, especially when you’re getting started, is to amass followers through word of mouth. Ask friends and family to follow your account. Do not search for “growth services on Instagram.” Although there are some good services to help you grow an authentic Instagram following, it doesn’t make sense to have  random people follow your brand. It is also not worth the expense to invest in such services. Especially for a startup brand, you want to organically grow a following of people who understand and appreciate your brand and its message.

3. Do not try and please everyone

Generally, when you first start a brand, you have a target audience in mind. You want to attract a certain demographic to your brand. It is important to take time to do research to attract the audience you desire. This research consists of speaking to dozens of people to gauge interest in the brand and share ideas. You cannot allow one person’s opinion to dictate the steps you take in your business. Be open to others’ opinions and suggestions when creating your brand, but do not make any moves based on any single person’s idea.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Written By

Eli Zied (born 04/30/2002) is an American teen entrepreneur who currently owns a well-known streetwear business dubbed Habits 365.

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