Asians are world-renowned for their efficiency and dedication to work. This has been a staple of Asian culture since the time of Confucius, who taught that respect is earned by hard work more than anything else. The result was an industrious society where people were raised to be productive members of society.
Today, Asians continue this tradition through entrepreneurship by building companies that give back to society while also being profitable in the long run.
The following 16 reasons will explore why Asian entrepreneurs have become so successful in business around the globe:
1. Focus on Productivity
Asians are raised to value hard work. It’s a common saying that “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” As a result, an Asian entrepreneur is usually highly productive because he or she values the importance of getting things done.
An Asian entrepreneur will stop at nothing to make sure his/her business succeeds in any way possible, whether it’s by staying up late to finish an important task or working during weekends.
2. Asian Entrepreneurs Take Fast Action
Asians are known for their tendency to be more action-oriented than other cultures. Asian entrepreneurs are focused on short-term goals vs. long-term goals, and they look at things from a practical aspect. Asians take a direct approach and do things that will bring results quickly instead of taking the slow route, which may not deliver results.
They may not have the time to educate themselves fully about their industry before jumping right in to learn as they go because they understand that the future is now more than ever.
3. Community That Gets You There
Asians know that other people are the key to their success. They’re not afraid to ask for help and will rely upon others to assist them in their business ventures.
Most Asian entrepreneurs understand that if they need an expert, they can hire someone who has the required skill-set rather than wasting time trying to learn it on their own by tapping into their network or community.
4. Invest in the Necessary Tools & Platform
After doing their research, they understand that tools are necessary in order to get work done. As a result, they’ll invest what it takes to acquire whatever is needed for their business. Whether this means renting office space or acquiring more employees, Asian entrepreneurs aren’t afraid to make sacrifices if it will help them grow their business and deliver results.
5. Asians Are Born With A “Winning” Mindset
A common saying in Asian culture is that “The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.”
Instead of the winner takes all mentality, Asians believe that it’s more important to win as a team than individually. As a result, they don’t try to see who can win the most, but instead, see who can help everyone else to succeed. Asians value teamwork and enjoy working together for a common goal.
6. High Energy Level
Asian entrepreneurs are known for being more physically active than other cultures. They tend to be more fit because they walk rather than drive, do regular workouts or sports outside of work, and don’t overindulge in food or alcohol.
Their high energy and passion level is what keeps them going strong every day and contributes to their drive to succeed when managing their company.
7. Small Business Orientation
Asian entrepreneurs are mostly interested in starting a small business at first. It has its benefits, such as working on one’s own terms and having a more direct impact on the company. Those with a small business orientation know how to minimize overhead and don’t need as many resources in order to start up.
Growing a small and local business has many financial benefits as well as the potential to last forever. This is why a lot of people in 2021 are starting businesses online.
8. Comfort With Risk-Taking

Asian entrepreneurs have a more risk-tolerant profile because they believe that success will come if they keep trying. Although risk-taking may not always work out in the end, Asian-founded companies understand that preparing a good plan and having backup plans is crucial to their success.
Asian entrepreneurs love a challenge and being able to solve problems in creative ways that don’t fail. Even if founders don’t have all the insights needed, they aren’t afraid to take risks and change the status quo despite not having a lot of resources.
9. Networking With The Right People & CEO
Asian CEOs understand the importance of networking with the right people. They know that you can’t build a successful business all on your own so they always try to find someone who will help them reach their goals. Asians also spend more time networking with the right people because it’s unavoidable if they want to become successful in life.
10. Single-Minded Focus On The Objective
Asians have a higher amount of discipline and focus on the task at hand. Instead of worrying about everything that could go wrong, Asian-founded companies tend to see opportunities in every obstacle and make it work in their favor.
They understand that being persistent is necessary to succeed and will keep going until they reach the end of their goals. Whether it is building an online business or a local business, they simply never give up.
11. Passionate About The Industry & Tech
Asian entrepreneurs are passionate about the industry they’re in because they know it’s what they want to do for the rest of their life.
Asia fosters a lot of Asian founders who are mission and passion-driven, such as the founder of Nintendo, Fusajiro Yamauchi. He first started his business by selling playing cards to soldiers from the United States who were occupying Japan after World War II.
In order to grow his business, Fusajiro would ride across the big cities on his bike to sell cards door to door. He would also search for the best marketing platform to promote his business through local media and news.
After several years, he saved enough money to scale his company at an international level by selling computer games that had become the highest trending tech item.
The rest became history along-lastings Fusajiro Yamauchi became one of the highest known profiles in Japan, even in 2021.
12. Valuable Network of Connections
Asians are known for their ability to network with others, which is why they can make long-lasting professional relationships. As a result, Asian founders acquire valuable connections that come in handy whenever they need advice from someone or recommendations on how to grow their company.
Community and local groups are critical support systems to last a long time in business. It isn’t uncommon for young founders to help elderly-owned shops so that they have tech and social media support. This ensures that the community can be kept alive in their local area and region.
13. Long Term Visions
Asians don’t get discouraged when their business fails because they understand that the process of building a company is long-term and not over in a single day.
They know that they can always try again and continue to be persistent until they figure out what works best, leading to more success in the future. It isn’t new news that an Asian founder typically seeks long-term profit over short-term gain.
14. Perseverance
Asian CEOs understand that they will encounter many problems in order to succeed, and instead of giving up, they try again until the problem is figured out. Employees in Asia are known to face difficult times without becoming easily discouraged, which helps their business generate more profit over time.
15. Work Ethic
Companies in Asia put a high value on hard work and the pursuit of success. As a result, Asian businesses know how to be more productive by consistently doing what they need to do instead of half-assing everything. Countries such as Japan, China, Korea, and Hong Kong are among the most productive in the world.
Founders like to build companies in Asia because employees in those regions typically put the company first. The CEO, in return, allocates the necessary resources to train their team to be the most efficient team members.
That smart mission-driven mentality saves a lot of companies as they can ensure the highest return on their investment, whereas other regions around the world struggle with employees not being able to work for long hours.
16. Ability To Provide Value
They know how important providing value to others is and will always give 100% to their work so they can bring the best out of themselves.
This is how companies and platforms such as Lazada, Alibaba, or Shopee have grown so fast in 2021. They delivered so much value by constantly offering the latest products at the lowest price by using the new online technology very effectively.
These platforms post on social media by making their presence known across Asia through their unique gorilla-marketing strategies & influential marketing.
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Eric Z Yang is the co-founder, a media news platform for digital asian entrepreneurs. He is an international speaker, best-selling author, and an authority expert. His conferences have gathered over 150,000 online attendees less in than 2 years. You can read more about his strategies on becoming an overnight authority on