COVID-19 is currently on the rise. News has reported the U.S. has a total of 61,492 new cases that have been recorded as of July 14, 2020. CNN stated Florida has set a new record of cases in one day at 15,300 on Saturday July 11, 2020. Many states like California and Georgia are set to roll back opening to phase 1 in order to slow the rapid spread of the virus. It’s for certain that we will be experiencing a 2nd wave thats possibly even worse than the first wave of COVID-19.
Studies have shown that the contagion probability is at a low risk if people who come in contact with one another are both wearing a mask. The CDC (Centers For Disease Control) has publicly stated the use of cloth face coverings may help prevent the spread of the virus from wearer to wearer. The mask traps droplets before they spread into the environment. Essentially wearing a face mask protects you from direct exposure and protects other individuals you may encounter.
In PG County Maryland, educator and school administrator Brittany J. Patrick saw the need to help the homeless in the District of Colombia (D.C.) navigate appropriately thru COVID-19 with the necessary items to help protect themselves during the pandemic. Patricks personal interaction with a homeless woman pushed her to create a non-profit group called 1000 Masks DC. “I am fortunate to be an educator in DC public schools and, as such, I have been able to navigate the pandemic with the privilege that my income has not been affected. On this particular day I was headed home and I noticed a young lady sitting next to the gas station with her belongings , using her water bottle to cool herself off or clean herself. I stopped to give her a few more bottles of water and she asked me if I would go in the store and get her a SlimJim. She attempted to hand me money to purchase it for her. I asked why she couldn’t go in herself and she said that she didn’t have a mask. I happened to have an unused extra mask and set of gloves in my car that I gave to her.”
The experience left Patrick feeling unsettled in knowing that many people are unable to obtain PPE items to help prevent the spread of the virus. Not having the necessary PPE to get inside of stores leads to several issues, the health of others and themselves are at severe risk, as well as the lack of food and drinks because they can not enter these thresholds and purchase what they need.
Patrick initially created the organization to raise and distribute 500 individual bags of PPE items that included 2 sets of masks and gloves. Within 4 hours of crowdfunding Patrick exceeded her original fundraising goal. She received over $1300 in addition to over 400 masks from community members, local businesses, religious organizations, and a fortune 500 company who took a liking to her efforts being made locally. Although the homeless population is at the lowest it’s been in 20 years there, The District of Columbia still has an estimated over 6500 people experiencing homelessness as reported by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 1000 Masks Project and their efforts will be able to distribute PPE to nearly half of the homeless population in DC.
“Through community we can accomplish anything. In addition to tagging another city in, I hope to launch a formal website where donors can continue to donate PPE and toiletries to our homeless neighbors. We will be fighting the effects of this pandemic for a long while and I’m hoping to partner with local government officials and small businesses to ensure that we are able to develop systems for homeless residents and less fortunate individuals to easily obtain access to no-cost PPE.”
In a short span of time Patrick has gained the support of local radio personalities, politicians, and media personnel. 1000 Masks DC has hopes of expansion to other major cities like Los Angeles where the homeless population is one of the largest in the U.S. with almost 57,000 people who are actively living on the streets. ” The reality of this movement is that many of us are one paycheck or one pandemic away from experiencing homelessness ourselves. We’ve been bombarded by images of oppression, violence, and death for months. But in this moment it felt like everyone stopped what they were doing to give what they could to another. It speaks to our resilience as a people. I’m so inspired that our community has stepped up to honoring one another’s humanity through the support of this project, turned movement.”
Patrick’s ultimate goal is to flatten the curve amongst the most affected and vulnerable communities and neighborhoods. “My ultimate goal is to inspire communities to rally together in support of neighbors experiencing homelessness during the pandemic.” By mobilizing branches in large urban areas across the country it would set into play her ultimate goal of dismantling barriers to bare necessities and housing security, for homeless residents.
“If your city is interested in accepting the 1000 Masks Challenge, please go to 1000MasksDC for more information. I’d love to personally support others in mobilizing the 1000 masks movement in there city.”
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Corein Carter is Los Angeles based Journalist, Media Analyst and Content Curator. She’s been published on several outlets such as Blavity News, Sheen Magazine and xoNecole. You may recognize Corein's captivating voice and well rounded perspectives from her fast growing podcast " Play on Words”. Keep up with her journey on Twitter and Instagram @inlivingcolored