There are no physical laws in digital marketing. It is a new territory where nothing has been tried before, and everything seems to work. But as businesses grow, they have to contend with the power of growth hacking and how it can boost sales or keep up the momentum.
This article looks at ten secrets that every business owner should know when looking to boost sales.
What Are Growth Hacking Secrets?

Growth hacking is a process of creating innovative ways to market products or services. It involves using technology, analytics, marketing, and sales tactics in new, creative ways to increase exposure and grow a business exponentially. It takes advantage of what is already working and then expands on it with tools and tricks you might not be aware of.
What Are the Keys to Exponential Growth in Business?

Statistics are important, but they don’t tell the whole story. They can only take a business so far, particularly when looking at sales data. But when examining growth hacking examples, especially those that have gone viral like Dropbox or Airbnb, there are ten things you need to know:
1. It is All About Your Customers Not your Product

Most businesses start as an idea (product) first and foremost. With Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, people give their time to businesses to promote or sell a product. But what if you could change things up completely? Think about how social media has changed marketing forever by putting users before products.
The only catch is that the product has to be good, better than others, and even better than most business owners think. But great products remain successful because they can talk about themselves in a way that doesn’t sound salesy.
More importantly, they are willing to let users tell them when they need help: “I tried your product, and I have this problem with it.” Fixing problems or making things easier for customers will always do more for business growth than having an awesome product idea first!
2. Look at the Opportunity Not the Competition

Too many businesses get stuck on what their competition is doing without realizing a bigger picture out there. You may have heard the advice, “if you cannot beat them, join them,” which is true when compared to sales.
If your competitor has a successful business model with a great product – unless it is in an entirely different market (in which case it won’t work) – then you should be looking at how their marketing works and if there are opportunities for growth that they might have missed.
3. Have An Eye on the Future

The biggest problems businesses face are usually simple ones like not having enough traffic or not selling enough.
Using targeted marketing methods early on, getting sales fast turns into one of many exponential growth hacks because more people will see what you do and make decisions about your products based on what happens online.
4. Build a Plan to Acquire Customers Exponentially

Business owners like to think they can handle everything, but it is impossible to do that when the business grows exponentially.
If you have an idea about how your business will work and where the product fits in – making sure there are no holes or weaknesses – then take steps right now to create a simple plan on where you get new customers from. How much does it cost? How many people do you need? The ideas for growth hacks here are infinite!
5. Create Excitement by Being Different

If you try this digital marketing strategy, make sure it fits with what users do online already. Make sure that whatever Facebook or Twitter suggestions these readers are exposed to, they like and are interested in your business.
That’s why it is important to get a feel for what users want or need to see on social media sites. If you can provide something that works differently but does not take away from the user’s experience, then consider yourself on the path towards exponential growth!
6. Put Customer Experience First and Build Trust by Being Unique

The premise behind rapid growth hacking starts with being different – even if it pays attention to what people do.
Take note of which ads get clicks versus those that don’t; this will lead you down one of two paths: Either find ways to make your ad look like others or consider creating new opportunities for success by thinking about what customers respond to the most.
7. Use Existing Tools for Exponential Growth Hacking

This is one of those times when you don’t want to reinvent the wheel; if you know a tool out there that can help with your business idea or within social media, then go ahead and use it!
But make sure the way you do so is different enough to be considered an original marketing idea by other people who are thinking about growing their business.
8. Make Your Business Trustworthy and Reliable by Being Customer-Centric
Regardless of what industry or niche you have – whether it is online digital marketing, traditional advertising, or something else altogether – customers will always come first to create a business that grows exponentially.
If you do not put all of your time and energy into creating a product or service that people will truly want, you will miss the point completely!
That is why it is important to think about what customers would want before you start marketing; this can save you a lot of time, effort, and money down the road.
9. Stay on Top of Trends by Listening to Customers and Analyzing Data

Social media sites like Facebook or Twitter may seem like they are trending more than ever these days, but if you stay on top of them now (no matter how crowded they get), there is no telling what kind of exponential growth opportunities will be available shortly. Make sure that whatever you are doing in social media marketing leads you towards exponential growth and not away from it.
10. Use Creativity to Draw Attention and Get Sales

The last step to rapid growth hacking is pretty straightforward: Try new things. Go outside of the box, whatever that box may be, and try something people will notice.
Make sure you do so with a different perspective than others might have; this means thinking out-of-the-box rather than just thinking outside or alongside the box.
Even if your product isn’t successful right away, keeping up with what other people are doing on social media sites will help!
Conclusion: The Best Way to Rapid Growth Hack

You will also want to make sure that whatever your company does, it is not something that has been done before – meaning you do not just copy what other people are doing. With enough time and effort, however, you can be a leader in your field.
The goal of exponential growth hacking is not to get the next million followers on Twitter or likes on Facebook; instead, it should focus on getting each customer excited about how they use social media.
Do this using clever marketing ideas that separate you from others so clients can see why they won’t regret following your business.
When trying new things online, you may run into dead ends at first, but this is where experience comes in handy!
If you try something, but it turns out that no one is interested or that it does not work the way you had intended, don’t beat yourself up over it, and do not get discouraged! Instead, take a step back and ask yourself: “What can I do differently next time to improve on this?”
Using your experience to guide you as you try new things online will make rapid growth hacking more effective for exponential growth. Once you find success in anything at all – even if it isn’t necessarily what you wanted – then keep going with it.
This means keeping up with trends of social media use, staying away from trying too much new stuff at once, being confident about your company’s ability to create something people want (or some other great marketing idea ), always finding ways to improve, using creativity and new perspectives, and keeping an open mind about what you do online.
From there on out, your business will be set up for future success. Good luck!
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Maham Qasim is an English Literature and Economics student at Forman Christian College University with an interest in writing. Maham was born in Pakistan and raised in Saudi Arabia and is now pursuing her education.